Youth Leadership Summit 2020
Engage • Empower • Experience
DHAKA has been announced as the “OIC Youth Capital 2020” marking the recognition of the remarkable achievement of Bangladesh in its youth sector. Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF), an entity affiliated to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), made this declaration on 25 December 2019.
Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF), Ministry of Youth and Sports of the People`s Republic of Bangladesh and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People`s Republic of Bangladesh are organizing “Resilient Youth Leadership Summit” as the first ever activity under the frame work of Dhaka – OIC Youth Capital 2020 International Programme on 27 – 28 July 2020.
In the current COVID context, more than ten elaborate virtual mega-events engaging youth from across the globe have been designed for celebrating “Dhaka – OIC Youth Capital 2020”. The convergence of the yearlong events with the grand celebration of Bangabandhu Birth Centenary has amplified its significance to a great extent. Dhaka-OIC Youth Capital 2020 will kick-off with a virtual inauguration ceremony on 27th July 2020 by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of Bangladesh. This inauguration ceremony will be followed by a virtual youth summit titled “Resilient Youth Leadership Summit” on 28th July 2020, where global youth leaders will participate in various day long activities to learn and craft the strategies to build a Resilient World, particularly, in the context of this COVID-19 pandemic situation.
This programme is particularly important in the COVID-19 and post-COVID recovery and reconstruction of an equitable global economic order. Emphasizes on the leadership, vision, ideation and imagination of the youth for constructing an innovative, resilient, and inclusive narrative to ensure a leadership position in the affairs of the world. Dhaka-OIC Youth Capital 2020 believes that each new life comes with a potential and a promise. It’s in the youth that this potential or the promise is embodied in the personality that the young human being slowly acquires. This identity is impregnated with the acquired knowledge and experiences of all faiths, belief systems, ethnicities and national identities that the great human civilization has acquired over the many millennia of its existence in the universe. The more layered, textured and nuanced this identity is, the richer that life form becomes. Resilient Youth leadership Summit aims to bring together the individuals with promise for a better today and a for a brighter tomorrow.
A virtual tour of the “Rohingya Camp in Cox’s Bazaar” will be organized in collaboration with United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) and International Organization for Migration (IOM) for the shortlisted participants under the supervision of ICYF as the implementing agency of the OIC Youth Capital International Programme.
- To seek innovative ideas and solutions from the youth on how to better manage the COVID-19 crisis in terms of addressing the emergency as well as building post-COVID resilience.
- To incorporate youth in policy formulation process.
- To introduce the “Displaced Persecuted Rohingya Community from Myanmar” to the participants.
- To build up a sense of awareness among the youth about the ordeal and struggle of the Rohingya Community.
Programme Elements:
- Policy Simulation Session(s) on Building Resilience in the context of COVID-19 pandemic
- Virtual Tour to Rohingya Camp (In partnerships with UNHCR, IOM and the University of Cambridge):
- Historical Background of the Rohingya Crisis
- Virtual Tour in Cox’s Bazar Rohingya Camp
- Dialogue on Rohingya Crisis: (a) Justice and Accountability Issues and (b) Operational Issues: Rohingya Camp Management
- Virtual Live Interactive Session with the persecuted Rohingya Community.
- Submission of a “Summit Outcome” on the “Role of Youth Leadership in Time of Crisis”.
Programme Format and Timeline:
- The programme will be a combination of theoretical and interactive sessions via zoom.
- Timeline: 27 – 28 July 2020
*** The online platform and its technical information pack will be shared only with the selected participants.
Full attended participants will be awarded with a verified certificate issued by Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF), Bangladesh Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Bangladesh Ministry of Youth & Sports.
- Young people from all over the world
- Ability to communicate in English
- Well conversant in digital technology with good internet connectivity.
- Aged between 18–35
- Interested in social works.
- Interested in International Humanitarian Law
Selection Committee will evaluate the applications based on eligibility and criteria. Selected participants will receive an email confirmation containing online program details. Due to a tight schedule, there will be not an opportunity to inform those who are not selected. The general information on selection results will be posted at “Dhaka – OIC Youth Capital 2020” website and its official social media accounts as well as ICYF website and social media accounts.
Important Note: Only selected participants will be informed.
DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: 20 July 2020 at 23:59 (GMT+6, Dhaka TIME)
Program Flow
Followed by Launching Program
Youth Resilience Summit
27 July, 2020 | 19:30-21:00 LIVE
Session 1: COVID-19 Crisis - Youth and Technology in building a resilient future.
Welcome Remark: H.E. Md. Zahid Ahsan Russel MP, State Minister for Youth and Sports, Bangladesh
Key- Note Speaker: H.E. Sudipto Mukherjee, Resident Representative, UNDP Bangladesh and Mr. Anir Chowdhury, Policy Advisor of a2i, ICT Division
Moderator: H.E. Masud Bin Momen, Foreign Secretary of Bangladesh.
- H.E. Harry Verweij, Dutch Ambassador to Bangladesh – Climate Change: the next battle field for humanity.
- Mr. Sheikh Fazle Fahim, President, Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industries (FBCCI) : Youth opportunities in the National Stimulus Package.
- Dr. Hamid Rashid, Chief of Global Economic Monitoring at the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs : COVID, Youth and Emerging Economic Order.
- Dr. Sebastian Groh, Managing Director, SOLshare Ltd : Hot Skills: Post COVID.
28 July, 2020 | 16:00-18:00 LIVE
Session 2: Virtual Tour to the Rohingya Camps. In collaboration with UNHCR, IOM and University of Cambridge.
Moderator: Nahim Razzaq MP, Member of Parliamentary Standing Committee on Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Opening remarks: Outline of the Session and Housekeeping
Virtual Tour Segment 1:
Remembering Rohingyas
Interaction 2
Opening remarks: Masud Bin Momen, Foreign Secretary of Bangladesh. Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Virtual Tour Segment 2:
Persecution and discrimination of the Rohingya in Myanmar and the response of Bangladesh
Interaction 3
Speaker: Refugee Relief and Repatriation Commissioner (RRRC)
Topic: Overview of the Rohingya response in Cox’s Bazar by the RRRC, who leads the Government’s response in the camps.
Virtual Tour segment 3:
Mother of Humanity – Honorable Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina’s, visit to the Camp and deliberations on at different events and platforms.
Interaction 4
Speaker: UN Resident Coordinator, Ms. Mia Seppo, UNHCR Representative, Mr. Steven Corliss, IOM Chief of Mission, Mr. Giorgi Gigauri.
Topic: Overview of the humanitarian response by the Strategic Executive Group (SEG) Co-Chairs, who coordinate the overall Rohingya response for the UN.
Virtual Tour segment 4:
Deliberation on the crisis and reflections on visiting the camp by the leaders of International Organizations and Member States (UN Envoy, EU Envoy and more)
Interaction 5
Speaker: Two Rohingya Youth Interviews
Topic: Voices and views of the persecuted community
Virtual Tour Segment 5:
Audio Visual on refugee response in Cox’s Bazar, the largest Refugee settlement in the World (UNHCR, IOM, UNICEF)
Interaction 6
Speaker: Rensje Teerink, The ambassador of the EU to Bangladesh; Mr Mafidul Haque, Trustee, Liberation War Museum; Mohammed Jamjoom, Al Jazeera.
Topic: A wider view of the Rohingya crisis
Virtual Tour Segment 6:
International Celebrities/Peace Ambassadors reflection on their experiences visiting the camp 10 min
Interaction 7:
Speaker: Host community Youth
Topic: Views of those affected by hosting large numbers of Rohingya
Virtual Tour Segment 7:
Global Leaders’ deliberation on the crisis and reflections on visiting the camp
Interaction 8
Speaker: World Health Organization Head of Office, Mr. Kai Von Harbou, and Inter-Sector Coordination Group Senior Coordinator, Ms. Nicole Epting.
Topic: Voices from the field: Preventing and responding to the COVID-19 pandemic in the world’s most populated refugee camp.
Virtual Tour Segment 8:
COVID-19 Response in the refugee settlements in Cox’s Bazar (Audio-visual from UNHCR)
Interaction 9
Speaker: Rohingya Youth interviews
Topic: The future through their words
Interaction 10
Open Discussion: Question – answer and discussion
Interaction 11
Closing Remarks by Md Delwar Hossain, DG (Myanmar Wing), MoFA
28 July, 2020 | 19:30-20:58 LIVE
Session 2: Rohingya Case in ICJ: The Road to Accountability and Justice
Key Note Speaker: H.E. Abdulhamit Gül, Minister of Justice, Republic of Turkey
Moderator: H.E. Md. Shahriar Alam MP, Hon’ble State Minister for Foreign Affairs, Bangladesh
- Prof. Dr. Payam Akhavan, Counsel to the Gambia and Professor of Intl. Law at McGill University : Perspective on Humanitarian Rights.
- Professor Imtiaz Ahmed, Department of International Relations, University of Dhaka : Genesis of Rohingya Genocide.
- Ms. Antonia Mulvey, Founder and Executive Director, Legal Action Worldwide (LAW) : Rohingya: The most persecuted population in the world.
- Ms. Yasmin, Canada Resident Rohingya Activist-
Rohingya Voice.
28 July, 2020 | 20:59-21:05 LIVE
Summit Concluding Remark & Vote of Thanks by H.E. Md. Akhter Hossain, Secretary, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Bangladesh
29 July, 2020 | 14:00:17:00 LIVE
Enroll with Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh, UNHCR-The UN Refugee Agency, IOM-UN Migration, University of Cambridge.