Registration going on for:
- Scout Conference
- Project Submission
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) region consists of more than 1.2 billion Muslims and 1/3 of it is constituted by youth. The main reason of the OIC Youth Capital International Programme is to provide a yearlong stage to foster cooperation among the Member States in the field of youth policy as well as enhancing Muslim youth solidarity, fostering inter-cultural diversity and the spirit of “unity” of youth from the OIC geography through different kinds of activities. Bangladesh was announced as the “OIC Youth Capital 2020” marking a significant recognition for the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and her spirited Government in the youth sector.
The Istanbul based Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF), an entity affiliated to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), made this declaration on 25 December 2019. The convergence of the yearlong events with the grand celebration of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Birth Centenary has amplified its significance to a great extent. Ten elaborate mega-events, and several ancillary events, have been designed for celebrating “OIC Youth Capital 2020” which will be implemented through eight lead Ministries and Twenty co-lead Ministries round the year. Scout Conference for Sustainable Development is one of them and it will focus on Environment.
- Enlighten the Youth Community about the positive changes in the environment due to the pandemic,
- Bringing the Scouts of the OIC nations and Non OIC Muslim Community together to come up with sustainable solutions regarding the environment,
- Bringing awareness to the scout about the importance of living harmoniously with the environment,
- Giving the participants a sense of what can be done on an individual level to change the environment and make it better,
- The talked about the initiatives can be adopted by the nations to the best practices of environment preservation.
Theme: Scouting for Better Environment.
Full attended participants will be awarded a verified certificate issued by the Bangladesh Government, ICYF and Bangladesh Scouts.
Scout Conference
- Age must be between 18 – 35 years at the start of the Conference
- Ability to communicate in English
- Participants must be interested in environmental science, technology, climate action and social work.
Last date of Registration for Scout Conference is on 30th April
Project Submission
Conference Participants can submit projects. Details below:
- Age must be between 18 – 26 years at the start of the Conference for Submission of projects only,
- Project should be focused on Environment / climate change / sustainable development,
- Each participant can submit only one project
- Projects must be unique and never submit before to other place/organization/institution etc. Plagiarism will be strictly checked by the Judges,
- Projects should be submitted in English language, word limit: Max. 2000 (excluding any audio, video, image etc.). Marks will be deducted for additional words,
- Power Point presentation (20 Slides) of each project must be submitted with the project.
Selection and Judgment:
- Honorable judges will judge the projects according to the following criteria:
Sl. | Content | Marks |
1 | Content | 15 |
2 | Relevance | 10 |
3 | Data & Information | 10 |
4 | Effectiveness | 10 |
5 | Impact | 20 |
6 | Sustainability | 20 |
7 | Presentation | 15 |
Total | 100 |
- Selection Committee will evaluate the applications based on eligibility and criteria. If the committee decides for further information, they can set an online interview as the last stage of selection.
- 3 (three) participants from each region will be declared as winners based on their projects. It means there will be a total of (7 region X 3) = 21 winners and these 21 winners will be award as well.
- Finally top 3 Winners will be selected and awarded.
- Among 21 winner best 3 three projects will present in the conference.
Regional Award
1st Prize: 400.00 USD
2nd Prize: 300.00 USD
3rd Prize: 200.00 USD
(21 Awardee)
Final Award
1st Prize: 2,500.00 USD
2nd Prize: 2,000.00 USD
3rd Prize: 1,500.00 USD
(3 Awardee)
Rasul Omarov
Director General
Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum
Arshadul Mukaddish
Executive Director
Bangladesh Scouts
60 Anjuman Mufidul Islam Road Kakrail, Dhaka, BANGLADESH
Post Code – 1000
Tel No: +88 02 9337714
Cell phone No: +8801712561233
Email: ir@scouts.gov.bd
Mohammad Mahmudul Haque
International Commissioner
Bangladesh Scouts
60 Anjuman Mufidul Islam Road Kakrail, Dhaka, BANGLADESH
Post Code -1000
Tel No: +88 02 9342058
Cell phone No.: 01711836633
Email: ncmahmud@gmail.com