The Holy Quran Recitation Competition
The Holy Qur’an is the light of heavens. It is full of wisdom, guiding to the correct path. It helps the hearts not to be in doubt and the emotions not to deviate. OIC endures on organizing the Holy Qur’an Qirat competitions among different Muslim & Non-Muslim countries. Dhaka OIC Youth Capital 2020 is going to launch a Qirat competition through the virtual platform in partnership with the Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF).
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is an international organization founded in 1969, consisting of 57 member states. Bangladesh joined this Organization in 1974 after our great Liberation War led under the visionary leader and Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Since then, Bangladesh has been keeping close relations with all Muslim countries.
An important initiative of ICYF is yearly held mega event titled “OIC Youth Capital”, where they recognize the youth in different sectors as Capital from OIC member countries. In 2019 The Doha OIC Youth Capital declared the Dhaka OIC Youth Capital 2020 by the Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF) is marking a significant recognition for the dynamic and esteemed leadership of the Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. The selection of Dhaka as the “OIC Youth Capital 2020” is convergence of the yearlong events with the grand celebration of Bangabandhu’s Birth Centenary. The great leader’s humanitarian, forward-looking, and value-driven approach towards life, dignity, access, and equality across the whole of the world, amplified both its relevance and significance to a great extent. This time is also glorified as his daughter Honorable Prime Minister is going to inaugurate 560 Model Mosques and Islamic Cultural Centers throughout the county.
The Al Qur’anul Karim is the guidance for mankind and the complete code of life. With a view to enhancing the practice and study of the holy Qur’anul Karim among the Muslim youth community, Dhaka OIC Youth Capital 2020 is arranging International Youth Qirat Competition. This Competition is going to be held in a virtual platform under the supervision of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Government of Bangladesh.
The goal of this competition is to create young leaders on the Holy Qur’an throughout the universe and to inculcate the values from our Legendary Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). This competition’s missions are to foster and nurture an appreciation, love, and enthusiasm for the Holy Qur’an in the hearts and minds of the youth across the whole world.
May Allah SWT crown our efforts with success. Ameen
The Holy Qur’an Recitation competition
Dhaka OIC Youth Capital 2020 will organize yearlong activities consisting of 9 different events. Among those one is the Holy Quran Recitation International Competition. Festival titled “The Holy Quran Recitation Competition” for young peoples, who are interested in Quran recitation & practicing Islam. The Holy Qur’an Recitation Competition aims to promote literacy in the Qur’an and encourage its recitation, memorization and try to apply its spirit in life. The Competition is committed to connect young generation those who recite the Holy Qur’an across the world.
- Serve the holy Qur’an and provide the best care for it
- Encourage young and youth to read and recite Qur’an
- Internationally highlight the efforts of Bangladesh in serving the Holy Qur’an.
- Spread the message of the Holy Qur’an through the participation of the youth
- Create a community where the like-minded youth who are interested in religion to gather and share knowledge & culture.
- Enable the bonds of brotherhood, scientific integration, spiritual communication and working in favor of the great book of Almighty Allah
Competition Type: Qirat for Men
Competition Format:
The Holy Quran Recitation Competition would be organized at two Level:
- Regional Level
- International Level
1. Regional Level: This Competition will be defined in 6 different regions like- (a) Asia, (b) Africa, (c) Middle East, (d) America (e) Europe and Oceania (f) Bangladesh.
2. Regional Competition: All regions will arrange the Holy Qur’an Recitation Competition. Every country from its respective region can participate in the regional Competition. Each country can choose one participant to take part in the regional competition. Participants will submit their Qur’an Recitation video on web platforms. Top 3 participants from each region will be selected and invited to participate in the International Level.
Bangladesh Part Competition: As a host country Bangladesh will be a region. Top 3 participants from Bangladesh will be selected by the Jury panel, and they will qualify to the International Competition.
International Level: Total 18 participants will take part in the International level competition. Every participant will have to submit their new recitation video on an integrated digital platform for final round.
Finally Top 03 from the 18 participants will be selected by the jury panel.
Recitation Evaluation:
The evaluation will be based on the following criteria:
- Main criteria: Applying Tajweed and Tarteel Rules
- Correct recitation of the holy Qur’an
- Points of vocal Articulation and its attributes (Makhraj and Sifat)
- Following Sifat e Jatiah & Aaridah
- Stop and the Start (Waqf & Ibtida)
- Vowel and Non-vowel marks (Appropriate use of Harkat & Madd)
- Obscured of Tajweed
- Main criteria: Aesthetic sound and performance
- Euphony & pleasing sound
- Aspects of layers and control of sound waves
- Opening and closing of Verses
- Control of breath
Criteria for Participation:
- A citizen from the OIC Member States or representative of a Muslim community in the non-OIC Member States
- The participant must be male and age limit should be 18-35 years old
- Ability to communicate in English/ Arabic/ Bangla
- Well conversant in digital technology with good internet connectivity
- Interested in the Holy Qur’an and religion
Adjudicators of the Competition:
- Judges will be appointed by the ICYF Secretariat, Ministry of Religious Affairs / Islamic Foundation
- Regional competition will be held by ICYF
- Host Country competition will be held by MoRA/Islamic Foundation
- International (Final) competition will be held by ICYF & MoRA.
Terms of Condition
General terms & condition of the Dhaka OIC Youth Capital 2020 International Qirat Competition are as follows:
- The participant must be conversant with the holy Qur’an with Tajweed and acquainted with the rules and essence of recitation.
- Participants can only participate in the competition on the basis of nomination from the concerned authority:
- Ministry of Religious Affairs for OIC Member Country
- Islamic Center for the non-OIC Member States.
- The participant must wear his respective national dress.
- The participant must send a video record / voice record of the recitation the Prescribed Verses (7 to 10 minutes).
- Prescribed Verses:
- Sura Younus: Verses 11-16.
- Sura Ibrahim: Verses 28-38.
- Sura Ambia: Verses 92-100
- The video record/ voice record must be clear and without any accomplices by any software.
- Application form must be duly filled, if any information given wrong or illegible the application will be rejected.
- The video record / voice record of the recitation must reach the organizing authority in time.
- Recitation must be of the specified type (Qirat).
- Document to submit: Recent passport size color photography, copy of National ID or Birth Registration Certificate, Certificate of educational qualification / Certificate of Qirat.
- Prescribed application form duly filled , with necessary documents are to be submitted to the website https://dhaka.oicyouthcapital.com/holy-quran-recitation-competition/ by date 23.03.2021. No applications will be accepted after the Timeline.
Guide-line for Recording and Submitting the Matter
- A video of the participant’s performance (Qirat) should be recorded.
- It is necessary to choose a location with proper background, privacy, and without ambient sounds.
- In the case of filming with a mobile phone, the image frame should be set horizontally.
- The participants should introduce themselves at the beginning of the video. (Name, Nationality, Chosen Field, the number of recitation piece)
- The format of the taken video should be one of the formats of WMV/ MPEG or MP4 and with a proper resolution.
- The submitted video must be at least 489×640 mega pixels in dimensions and cannot exceed 50 MB in size. However, if the file size is more than 50 MB, the link can be shared by uploading it to cloud storage (Google Drive, Box, Dropbox, OneDrive, etc.).
- The ultimate number of uploaded files is one.
- Videos that do not meet the required standards for audio or video quality will not be judged and will be omitted from the competition.
- Submission of an archived video is not acceptable.
- Participants should submit their matter in the registration system by uploading it.
Registration closed!